Fragrance Style and Layering Guide

The layering of scent mediums is a popular technique in the world of fragrance to enhance and prolong the overall fragrance experience.

First, let’s explore the difference between alcohol-based perfume, fragranced oil, and water-based body mist.

Alcohol Based Fragrance

Characteristics: Alcohol-based fragrances are the most common and traditional form of perfumes and colognes. They typically contain a higher concentration of aromatic compounds, providing a potent and long-lasting scent.

Application: Apply alcohol-based perfume to pulse points such as the wrists, neck, and behind the ears. The skin in these areas generate heat, enhancing the diffusion of the fragrance.

Fragranced Oil

Characteristics: Fragranced oils often have a higher concentration of the actual fragrance oils without the alcohol carrier. This makes them more subtle and suitable for those who prefer a closer-to-the-skin scent.

Application: Apply the fragranced oil to the same pulse points after the alcohol-based perfume has dried. The oil will cling to the skin, providing a more intimate and lingering fragrance.

Water-Based Body Mist

Characteristics: Body mists are lighter and contain less concentrated fragrance compared to alcohol-based perfumes. They often have a refreshing and hydrating effect on the skin.

Application: Spray the water-based body mist over your entire body, including your clothes, as it is less likely to stain. This layer provides an overall aura of fragrance and can be reapplied throughout the day for a subtle refresh.

Layering your fragrance

The process of applying multiple fragranced body products of the same scent enhances the effect of the perfume and makes it last all day.

Each type of fragrance medium interacts with the skin and environment differently, and when layered strategically, they can create a more complex and long-lasting scent profile.

bump up the staying power of your scent

Now that we know what layering is and the benefits, here are some tips on how to do it!

  • Start with fragrances in the same olfactory group
  • Heat is key in activating fragrance; Apply to pulse points such as behind the ear, the bottom of your throat or your wrists.
  • Apply the heaviest fragrance or medium first, and layer lighter scents or formulas on top
  • Add different types of product for a more persistent scent
  • Always incorporate a moisturizer
  • Use contrasting scents for originality
  • Pro Tip: Don’t rub your wrists together. That action compromises the top notes and prevents the true fragrance from having a chance to settle into the skin and develop properly.

Fragrance Layering Guide based on training materials provided by Classic Brands


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